The Zerg are a fearsome and terrifying alien species from an unknown region of the Galaxy. Consuming everything in their path, they pose an existential threat to anyone within their reach...or an opportunity for any with the power to unleash them...
Insectoid in nature, the Zerg are connected to a hive intelligence through psyionic signals, ruled by a collective consciousness known as the Overmind and coordinated by lesser Cerebrates, the Zerg attempt to dominate the Galaxy with a single minded will.
The Zerg grow a layer of living flesh across the ground known as The Creep. Into this layer the Zerg root their living hive structures, grown from the bodies of their own drones. From these structures are hatched the various types of Zerg warriors.
The primary ground troops of the Zerg, Zergling are raptor like and quadrupedal, possessing claws and fangs capable of cutting through modern Terran battle armor like a can opener. They rely on speed, aggression and sheer numbers to overwhelm the enemy.
Hydralisks are a heavy, serpentine Zerg capable of spitting deadly acid spikes dozens of meters. Though slower than Zergling, they are able to move across a variety of terrain quite easily and posses a heavier armor.
Ultralisks are massive elephant like Zerg with giant bladed arms, they are slow but heavily armored and can take down a squad of Terran Marines in a single attack.
The basic worker of the Zerg, they are employed for all kinds of utility tasks the swarm requires. As well they can root themselves into the creep, mutating it all kinds of Zerg structures.
A scoirpion like Zerg which deploys a variety of special abilities including Dark Swarm which disables enemy weapons and Plague. Defilers are also know to consume their fellow Zerg in order to replenish their own energy.
Mutalisks are bat like Zerg with shrimp like bodies curving to end in a set of fanged jaws. Out of its mouth the Mutalisk spits an acid bolt capable of piercing most armor. Mutalisks are the main air born unit of the Zerg.
Guardians are an evolution of the Mutalisk, appearing as giant floating crabs, they spit heavy acid bolts from great distance. Having heavier armor and weapons than a Mutalisk, the Guardian is slower and therefor often serves as an airborn artillery for the Zerg.
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